RGB Color Chart for Uplights and LED Strips

For led strip lighting in any area of the house or a room, look no further. LED strip lighting can be used on different landscapes, your home office and your kid's room. Uplights function very similar to LED lights, but produce a totally different effect. When considering uplights vs. LED strips, you will usually want to use the latter for a parties and events, and the former for mood setting..  


RGB Color Chart for Uplights and LED Strips

LED Uplighting RGB Color Chart

You can conveniently create the ambiance and set the mood for your room with our Led uplight. No matter your RGB color preference, our uplighting can match either your centerpieces, bridesmaid, chair covers, or any other theme related to your event. Whether you want one color scheme or cocktail hour or just a color throughout your event, we can make it happen.

Are you ready to pick a color for your led uplight? Consider the following points before making a decision:

1. Wall color: Your wall color has a significant effect on how beautiful your room will be. If your wall color is not pure white, your color will change. Besides, woods and other materials reflect color differently. You should be prepared to adjust accordingly.

2. All our uplights accept RGB color settings. You can check the chart below for a guide. The color might vary to some degree, but it definitely gives you the overhead to adjust them.

Medium purple - #9370DB
Medium purple - #9370DB
rgb(58%, 44%, 86%)
Purple - #800080
Purple - #800080
rgb(50%, 0%, 50%)
Dark Magenta - #8B008B
Dark Magenta - #8B008B
rgb(55%, 0%, 55%)
Magenta 3 - #CD00CD
Magenta 3 - #CD00CD
rgb(80%, 0%, 80%)
Magenta 2 - #EE00EE
Magenta 2 - #EE00EE
rgb(93%, 0%, 93%)
Magenta - #FF00FF
Magenta - #FF00FF
rgb(100%, 0%, 100%)
Orchid 4 - #8B4789
Orchid 4 - #8B4789
rgb(55%, 28%, 54%)
Orchid 3 - #CD69C9
Orchid 3 - #CD69C9
rgb(80%, 41%, 79%)
Orchid 2 - #EE7AE9
Orchid 2 - #EE7AE9
rgb(93%, 48%, 91%)
Orchid 1 - #FF83FA
Orchid 1 - #FF83FA
rgb(100%, 51%, 98%)
Orchid - #DA70D6
Orchid - #DA70D6
rgb(85%, 44%, 84%)
Dark Purple - #871F78
Dark Purple - #871F78
rgb(53%, 12%, 47%)
Purple Fish - #B272A6
Purple Fish - #B272A6
rgb(70%, 45%, 65%)
Medium Purple 4 - #5D478B
Medium Purple 4 - #5D478B
rgb(36%, 28%, 55%)
Medium Purple 3 - #8968CD
Medium Purple 3 - #8968CD
rgb(54%, 41%, 80%)
Medium purple 2 - #9F79EE
Medium purple 2 - #9F79EE
rgb(62%, 47%, 93%)
Yellow 4 - #8B8B00
Yellow 4 - #8B8B00
rgb(55%, 55%, 0%)
Bright Gold Yellow - #D9D919
Bright Gold Yellow - #D9D919
rgb(85%, 85%, 10%)
Yellow 3 - #CDCD00
Yellow 3 - #CDCD00
rgb(80%, 80%, 0%)
Mustard - #FFCC11
Mustard - #FFCC11
rgb(100%, 80%, 7%)
Gold - #FFD700
Gold - #FFD700
rgb(100%, 84%, 0%)
Gold 4 - #8B7500
Gold 4 - #8B7500
rgb(55%, 46%, 0%)
Gold 3 - #CDAD00
Gold 3 - #CDAD00
rgb(80%, 68%, 0%)
Gold 2 - #EEC900
Gold 2 - #EEC900
rgb(93%, 79%, 0%)
Gummy Yellow - #FBDB0C
Gummy Yellow - #FBDB0C
rgb(98%, 86%, 5%)
Mustard - #FFCC11
Mustard - #FFCC11
rgb(100%, 80%, 7%)
Banana - #E3CF57
Banana - #E3CF57
rgb(89%, 81%, 34%)
Pineapple - #FCDC3B
Pineapple - #FCDC3B
rgb(99%, 86%, 23%)
Sign Yellow - #FCD116
Sign Yellow - #FCD116
rgb(99%, 82%, 9%)
Golden Rod - #DBDB70
Golden Rod - #DBDB70
rgb(86%, 86%, 44%)
Yellow - #FFFF00
Yellow - #FFFF00
rgb(100%, 100%, 0%)
Ivory Yellow - #FFFFF0
Ivory Yellow - #FFFFF0
rgb(100%, 100%, 94%)
Yellow 2 - #EEEE00
Yellow 2 - #EEEE00
rgb(93%, 93%, 0%)
Olive Drab 1 - #C0FF3E
Olive Drab 1 - #C0FF3E
rgb(75%, 100%, 24%)
Leaf Green - #55AE3A
Leaf Green - #55AE3A
rgb(33%, 38%, 23%)
Nerf Green - #49E20E
Nerf Green - #49E20E
rgb(29%, 89%, 5%)
LED Green - #5DFC0A
LED Green - #5DFC0A
rgb(36%, 99%, 4%)
Guacamole Green - #A6D785
Guacamole Green - #A6D785
rgb(65%, 84%, 52%)
Charteuse Green - #7FFF00
Charteuse Green - #7FFF00
rgb(49%, 99%, 0%)
Charteuse 2 Green - #76EE00
Charteuse 2 Green - #76EE00
rgb(46%, 93%, 0%)
Chartreuse 3 Green - #66CD00
Chartreuse 3 Green - #66CD00
rgb(40%, 80%, 0%)
Chartreuse 4 Green - #458B00
Chartreuse 4 Green - #458B00
rgb(27%, 55%, 0%)
Dark Olive Green 1 - #CAFF70
Dark Olive Green 1 - #CAFF70
rgb(79%, 100%, 44%)
Dark Olive Green 2 - #BCEE68
Dark Olive Green 2 - #BCEE68
rgb(74%, 93%, 41%)
Dark Olive Green 3 - #A2CD5A
Dark Olive Green 3 - #A2CD5A
rgb(64%, 80%, 35%)
Dark Olive Green 4 - #6E8B3D
Dark Olive Green 4 - #6E8B3D
rgb(43%, 55%, 24%)
Olive Drab 2 - #B3EE3A
Olive Drab 2 - #B3EE3A
rgb(70%, 93%, 23%)
Pear Green - #D1E231
Pear Green - #D1E231
rgb(82%, 89%, 19%)
Celery Green - #CFD784
Celery Green - #CFD784
rgb(81%, 84%, 52%)
Iceberg Lettuce Green - #CDE472
Iceberg Lettuce Green - #CDE472
rgb(80%, 89%, 45%)
Gold Green - #AADD00
Gold Green - #AADD00
rgb(67%, 87%, 0%)
Wasabi Green - #AEBB51
Wasabi Green - #AEBB51
rgb(68%, 73%, 32%)
Fire truck green - #CDD704
Fire truck green - #CDD704
rgb(80%, 84%, 2%)
Light Yellow - #FFFFE0
Light Yellow - #FFFFE0
rgb(100%, 100%, 88%)
Navy Blue - #23238E
Navy Blue - #23238E
rgb(14%, 14%, 56%)
Diamond Blue - #0EBFE9
Diamond Blue - #0EBFE9
rgb(5%, 75%, 91%)
NYPD blue - #39B7CD
NYPD blue - #39B7CD
rgb(22%, 72%, 80%)
Cerulean - #05B8CC
Cerulean - #05B8CC
rgb(56%, 90%, 93%)
Indiglo - #05E9FF
Indiglo - #05E9FF
rgb(2%, 91%, 100%)
Turquoise 1 - #00F5FF
Turquoise 1 - #00F5FF
rgb(0%, 96%, 100%)
Turquoise 2 - #00E5EE
Turquoise 2 - #00E5EE
rgb(0%, 90%, 93%)
Turquoise 3 - #00C5CD
Turquoise 3 - #00C5CD
rgb(0%, 77%, 80%)
Turquoise 4 - #00868B
Turquoise 4 - #00868B
rgb(0%, 53%, 55%)
Cadet Blue - #5F9EA0
Cadet Blue - #5F9EA0
rgb(37%, 62%, 63%)
Deep Sky Blue 4 - #00688B
Deep Sky Blue 4 - #00688B
rgb(0%, 41%, 55%)
Deep Sky Blue 3 - #009ACD
Deep Sky Blue 3 - #009ACD
rgb(0%, 60%, 80%)
Deep Sky Blue 2 - #00B2EE
Deep Sky Blue 2 - #00B2EE
rgb(0%, 70%, 93%)
Deep Sky Blue - #00BFFF
Deep Sky Blue - #00BFFF
rgb(0%, 75%, 100%)
Steel Blue - #236B8E
Steel Blue - #236B8E
rgb(14%, 42%, 56%)
Pacific Blue - #35586C
Pacific Blue - #35586C
rgb(21%, 35%, 42%)
Blue Mist - #82CFFD
Blue Mist - #82CFFD
rgb(51%, 81%, 99%)
Aquamarine - #4E78A0
Aquamarine - #4E78A0
rgb(31%, 47%, 63%)
Slate Blue - #007FFF
Slate Blue - #007FFF
rgb(0%, 50%, 100%)
Blue - #0000FF
Blue - #0000FF
rgb(0%, 0%, 100%)
Blue 2 - #0000EE
Blue 2 - #0000EE
rgb(0%, 0%, 93%)
Medium Blue - #0000CD
Medium Blue - #0000CD
rgb(0%, 0%, 93%)
Surf Blue - #63D1F4
Surf Blue - #63D1F4
rgb(39%, 96%, 82%)
Tangerine - #FF7216
Tangerine - #FF7216
rgb(100%, 45%, 9%)
Cadium Deep Red - #E3170D
Cadium Deep Red - #E3170D
rgb(89%, 9%, 5%)
Orange Red - #FF4040
Orange Red - #FF4040
rgb(100%, 25%, 25%)
FireBrick Red - #B22222
FireBrick Red - #B22222
rgb(69%, 13%, 13%)
Red1 - #FF0000
Red1 - #FF0000
rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)
Red2 - #EE0000
Red2 - #EE0000
rgb(93%, 0%, 0%)
Mandarin Orange - #E47833
Mandarin Orange - #E47833
rgb(89%, 47%, 20%)
Red3 - #CD0000
Red3 - #CD0000
rgb(80%, 0%, 0%)
Darkred (SVG) - #8B0000
Darkred (SVG) - #8B0000
rgb(55%, 0%, 0%)
Maroon (16 SVG) - #B00000
Maroon (16 SVG) - #B00000
rgb(55%, 0%, 0%)
Scarlet - #8C1717
Scarlet - #8C1717
rgb(55%, 9%, 9%)
Firebrick (SVG) - #B22222
Firebrick (SVG) - #B22222
rgb(70%, 13%, 13%)
Orange - #CC3232
Orange - #CC3232
rgb(80%, 20%, 20%)
Strawberry - #BE2625
Strawberry - #BE2625
rgb(75%, 15%, 15%)
Soylent Red - #E04006
Soylent Red - #E04006
rgb(88%, 25%, 2%)
Brown - #802A2A
Brown - #802A2A
rgb(50%, 16%, 16%)
Dark Salmon (SVG) - #E9967A
Dark Salmon (SVG) - #E9967A
rgb(91%, 59%, 48%)
Red Delicious - #9D1309
Red Delicious - #9D1309
rgb(62%, 7%, 4%)
Salmon 1 - #FF8C69
Salmon 1 - #FF8C69
rgb(100%, 55%, 41%)
Salmon2 - #EE8262
Salmon2 - #EE8262
rgb(93%, 51%, 38%)
Blood Orange - #CC1100
Blood Orange - #CC1100
rgb(80%, 7%, 0%)
Orange Crush - #F87531
Orange Crush - #F87531
rgb(97%, 46%, 19%)

Learn More

While uplights can help accentuate the mood, atmosphere and spice up the quality of you reception hall or wedding venue, they are not 100% necessary. However, with that in mind - if you don't want the upfront costs of buying uplights, consider renting them or borrowing them instead. Renting uplights is the most cost effective way to own them!

While it is possible to have too many uplights (and too little) at your wedding, there are ways you can really spice up the wedding ambiance with a few cool neat tricks. You can consider using a monogram combined with uplights to create an exquisite design on the ceiling or walls. You can also use a smoke machine or chandelier to give more life to the lights as well! While uplights can seem slightly dull, with a little ingenuity - you can really spice up your event!

One of our clients who rented our products did a great combination of uplights, marquee letters and a photo booth to create a really amazing spot for wedding guests to take pictures.

The best LED uplights depend on multiple factors. The main factors are (but not exclusively): Mood, size of the room, color accent of the room and atmosphere of the event.

While the nomenclature may seem obvious (downlights illuminate downward, and uplights illuminate upward) there are also some very subtle differences when it comes to uplights vs. downlights. Uplights will usually create more ambient light, especially in a room with high ceilings or outdoors. While downlights are better for focusing light on an object or a particular place. So for example, the bride and groom dinner settings in a reception hall.